Okay, so my little weekend haitus has come and gone AND I couldn't have enjoyed it more. For the first time, I didn't think--at least not that much--about writing or marketing. I mean, let's be honest. From the moment you decide you, too, want to create entertaining tales along the lines of your fav authors, it's nearly impossible to read a book without some sidebar thoughts going through your head like, "Wow, where'd the author get the word from?" "Hmmm, I hope my characters are as clearly defined as these characters are." "Oh, I hope my readers are as engaged in my story as I am with this one." You know, stuff like that.
Anyway, prior to my weekend break from writing my mind got to churning about fiction writing software out there. At this particular moment--and any other moment, I'm sure--I can't think of where the thought came from, but I started Googling "fiction writing software" in hopes of finding something that assists with creating masterfully descriptive scenes. Admittedly, descriptive settings are one of my weaknesses. I'm more of a dialogue and plot focused writer. Most writers probably are, but, heck, I don't know. Anyway, while I know that my writing can not and should not mirror anyone elses, I still want some masterfully descriptive settings in my work too! Is Fiction Writing Software the help I need? Or is simply an awesome editor that I need on my team???
Below are a few of the links---HALT! Scratch that. I found the perfect link to share. Not only does it contain some advice that I needed to hear myself whether the softwares are worth the cost, it also contains the softwares that I located through my Internet search and then some! Check it out.
Writing Software
L.A. Jefferson
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